Capital Humano

In BGA we develop Human Capital through our Strengthening Program, designed to maximize the company’s most important resource, which THEIR PEOPLE.
The Human Capital Strengtheing Program consists of Diagnosis and Project.


We analyze strengths and weaknesses of the management team, their psychological characteristics and their location in an aptitude / attitude matrix classifying the management team according to their competences. We make a joint plan of corrective actions, internal movements, CAREER PLAN DEVELOPMENT and / or succession.


With a projective feedback, we provide personalized feedback to each individual of the management team. Our involvement raises awareness about the immediate actions to take to improve their performance. Though COACHING SESSIONS, specific management skills are developed. We focus in a practical and directed way in the day to day strategic and operative task, ensuring that the ideal people are in the indicated positions fulfilling their functions.
Strengthening human capital is to take advantage of resources and opportunities.
Making things happen through people, it is our commitment, transforming people into competent people … our passion!